Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Love You, Ruth B. Ingram

Oh, how I love to see all five of those little gold stars filled in on Amazon's ''Average Customer Review.''

Average rating for MAMA GETS HITCHED? Five stars, y'all! What's that I hear? Must be the sound of a champagne cork popping.

Of course, only one reader has thus far reviewed Hitched. The book just came out officially July 1.

Thank you, Ruth B. Ingram, of East Texas, USA, for making my night.

Others will invariably weigh in. My golden stars may end up with a slice of their shine shaved off. But tonight, MAMA and I will revel in our All-Star status. Who needs Oprah's couch when you have a 5-star ranking on Amazon?


Dru said...

Congrats on the five star rating. I got word that my book has shipped.

Deborah Sharp said...

Hi Dru ... how in the world do you have time to read all you do, and keep up with your friends and authors? (I'm both, I hope!)
Do you not sleep?
Hope you get Mama Gets Hitched soon. I've been amazed at how many people seem to have it, when it was only ''officially'' published last week!